
Mobile Math: Number Hunter

Look at the mobile below. What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Find the missing values so that the mobile is balanced.

A balanced mobile with a value of 216 has 2 strings. The left string has 3 orange triangles. The right string has 2 red squares and 1 yellow hexagon. The value of the hexagon is 38.

You decide the total value of the mobile. What values should each of the shapes have so the mobile is balanced?

A balanced mobile with an unknown value has 2 strings. The left string has 3 orange triangles. The right string has 2 red squares and 1 yellow hexagon. The value of the hexagon is 38.

If the value of the orange triangle is 246, how can you change the value of the other shapes so that the mobile remains balanced?

A balanced mobile with an unknown value has 2 strings. The left string has 3 orange triangles. The right string has 2 red squares and 1 yellow hexagon. The value of each triangle is 246.