
Guess My Rule: Dimensions

A red circle and a blue circle overlap. Inside the red circle: a 2 by 8 rectangle and a 1 by 16 rectangle. Inside the blue circle: a 3 by 5 rectangle. A 1 by 7 rectangle. And a 2 by 6 rectangle. Inside the overlap: no shapes. Outside the circles: no shapes.
  1. Some shapes with certain dimensions belong in the circles, and some do not. What is the rule to be in the red circle? What is the rule to be in the blue circle? What is the rule to be in both circles?
  2. Can you draw a shape that would go inside the intersection of the circles?
    How do you know?
  3. Draw another shape that belongs in only the red circle.
  4. What shapes don’t belong in either circle?

What measurements could you calculate using the dimensions of these shapes?

Make your own rule about shapes. You can use the circles below or draw your own.

If possible, show some examples that belong inside each circle and some examples that don’t belong in either circle.

A red circle and a blue circle overlap. The rule for the red circle is ... The rule for the blue circle is ...