Math in Our World: Collage Home

My niece Raveyn and I cut some paper into shapes. We’re going to use them to make a collage of a home. A collage is a piece of art you make by gluing pieces of paper or another material onto a surface.
We are going to use 15 shapes to make a collage of our home. It will include these types of shapes: quadrilaterals, triangles, and pentagons.
- What do you notice? What do you wonder?
- Use pictures, words, or numbers to show what the collage home might look like.
- What math questions can you ask about the collage home? Answer all the questions you can!
Do you need help remembering the characteristics of each shape? Here is a reminder:
- Quadrilaterals have 4 sides. Some types of special quadrilaterals are: squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, and parallelograms.
- Triangles have 3 sides.
- Pentagons have 5 sides.

- Try drawing a picture of a home using the shapes in the collage. Remember, we are planning to use 15 shapes in all, including some quadrilaterals, some triangles, and some pentagons.
- Use tally marks to count how many of each type of shape you used.
- Show your work to someone else, and explain your thinking. Did they understand?
- Ask whether they have any other questions you can answer!
Create your own paper home collage.
- What shapes will you use?
- Can you include quadrilaterals, triangles, and pentagons?
- How many shapes will you use in all?
Show us your own home collages! Include a note describing the types of shapes you used.
Printable Version
Google doc for printing and copying
Seesaw Version
Activity for the Seesaw platform
Reference for Educators
Sample problems and solutions