Guess My Rule: Four Sides

- Some shapes belong in the circles, and some shapes do not. What is the rule to be in the red circle? What is the rule to be in the blue circle? What is the rule to be in both circles?
- Can you find a shape that belongs in only the blue circle? Why or why not?
- Draw a shape that belongs in only the red circle.
- Draw a shape that belongs in the intersection of the two circles.
- What are the perimeters and areas of each of the shapes?
- What is an odd number? What is an even number?
Make your own rule, using shapes. You can use the circles below or draw your own.
If possible, show some examples that belong inside each circle and some examples that don’t belong in either circle.

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Seesaw Version
Activity for the Seesaw platform
Reference for Educators
Sample problems and solutions