
Guess My Rule: Division Dilemma

Expressions inside the circle are 392 divided by 14, 4 divided by 1-fifth, 1,792 divided by 32 and 1.50 divided by .025. Expressions outside the circle are 9.75 divided by 3, 356 divided by 14, 889 divided by 8 and 1-third divided by 3.
  1. Some expressions belong in the circle and some do not. What is the rule to be in the circle?
  2. Write as many expressions as you can that belong inside the circle. Explain how you know.
  3. Write as many expressions as you can that belong outside the circle. How did you come up with your examples?

Solve each expression. What do you notice about the quotients?

Make your own rule using division expressions. You can use the circle below or draw your own.

Write some examples that belong inside your circle and some examples that belong outside your circle.