Math in Our World: Monster Party

Is there something you love to use when you make arts and crafts?
I love to use googly eyes!
Today I used all of my googly eyes to make a silly monster party.
- What do you notice? What do you wonder?
- Show or tell what you know about the eyes on the monsters. Use numbers, models, or math words.
- What math questions can you ask about the monsters? Answer all the questions you can!
- Think about how many eyes there are on each monster. Don’t forget about the antenna eye on the blue monster!
- Think about how many eyes there are in all.
- Do you see groups of tens? What about ones?
- Can you count the eyes by tens and ones?
- Show your work to someone and explain your thinking. Did they understand?
- Ask whether they have any other questions you can answer!
Draw or make your own silly monsters! Write a story problem about your monsters and share it with us!
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Reference for Educators
Sample problems and solutions