Math in Our World: Wooden Blocks
Today we decided to build a block tower. Before building, we wanted to see how many blocks we had. We lined them up in rows to make it easier to count them.

- What do you notice? What do you wonder?
- Use pictures, numbers, or math words to show or tell what you know about the blocks.
- What math questions can you ask about the picture? Answer all the questions you can!
- How could you count these blocks? How many do you think there are?
- Sometimes it helps to look at smaller groups when counting. Look at the number of blocks in each row or column. Remember:
- A column goes up and down.
- A row goes across.

- How can knowing the amount in each row help you count all the blocks?
- Show your work to someone else, and explain your thinking. Did they understand?
- Ask whether they have any other questions you can answer!
What could you build with this many blocks? Draw a picture or build something with toys in your home.
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Reference for Educators
Sample problems and solutions