
Math in Our World: All Kinds of Boots

The boots are in pairs. By size: kid, adult, adult, adult, kid,  adult, adult, adult, kid, adult. By color: brown, brown and black, brown and black, green, pink, black, brown, brown, brown, blue. By ties or no ties: no ties, ties, ties, no ties, ties, no ties, no ties, no ties, no ties, no ties. By height: medium, medium, medium, tall, short, medium, tall, tall, short, medium.

This collection of boots is lined up in a home. 

  1. What do you notice? What do you wonder?
  2. Use pictures, numbers, or math words to show or tell what you know about the boots.
  3. What math questions can you ask about the picture? Answer all the questions you can!
  • How many pairs of boots do you see? How many pairs in all?
  • What do you notice about the size of the different boots? 

Show your work to someone else, and explain your thinking. Did they understand?
Ask whether they have any other questions you can answer!

What other winter clothes or items come in pairs? Draw a picture of other winter items.