Math in Our World: Spring Garden

In our community garden, there are many new plants growing. In this plot, the gardener organized their plants so they are in rows and columns.
- Show the plants in the garden plot. Use pictures, models, or numbers.
- What do you notice? What do you wonder?
- What math questions can you ask about the plants in the garden? Answer all the questions you can!
- Try drawing a picture that shows the rows and columns of plants in the garden.
Remember:- A column goes up and down. It is vertical.
- A row goes across. It is horizontal.

- Does each row have the same number of plants?
- Do you see any patterns in the way they have been planted?
- How could you find the total number of plants without counting each one?
- If it is helpful, try using the Geoboard app to create your own picture of the garden plot. You can make a picture that shows one square for each plant.
- Show your work to someone else, and explain your thinking. Did they understand?
- Ask whether they have any other questions you can answer!
Design your own garden. What would you like to grow? How many rows and columns would you have? How many plants will you grow in all?
Printable Version
Google doc for printing and copying
Seesaw Version
Activity for the Seesaw platform
Reference for Educators
Sample problems and solutions